Thursday, August 29, 2013

{Theme Thursday} Shadow

We went to a local park for a picture day.  I'm still working on my camera settings, so I had some washed out photos with shadow:

Some, I took IN the shadow:

But, I REALLY wanted to play with actual shadows, so Wednesday, I tried to get Little Bean to go outside and do some photos:

A cloudy 98 degrees makes for a hot, crabby, unsuccessful 5 minutes outside.

So, we broke out the flashlight and played with shadows in the bathroom.

Here's Sweet Pea's best shot:

ISO 125, shutter speed 1/125
I couldn't get her to stay still very long, and I need to work more on my f-stops (this one was at 2.8), so she was a little blurry.

So, here's my best shot for this week's challenge:

I couldn't crop out her face, because it was hilarious!
I used the same settings, and it was a clearer shot because my model was willing to stay still.  Looking forward to more challenges to play and learn!

Go check out Cari at Clan Donaldson for more!


  1. Love all the different settings you played with 'shadows'!

    1. Thanks - my favorite is the under the tree shot :)

  2. So fun to experiment and figure new things out with the camera! As soon as I was getting good, my camera broke!

    Anyway, I love the pacey shot!

  3. I love the last photo! On the one before, just bump your ISO a bit higher and that should help, too. Have fun!

    1. Thanks! The original thought was to just photograph my 8 y/o and I was hoping the lower ISO would allow for a better resolution, but my oldest insisted the baby be included too :) Just gotta keep experimenting!

  4. Experimenting with the camera is so much fun! (Except maybe in 98 degree humidity. Ew.) Fun set of photos. :-)

    1. Yeah, it wasn't the day for outdoor photography! But I need to work on my indoor settings anway :)

  5. I have trouble with indoor shots, too. Those bathroom shots are fun, though!


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