Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Answer Me This {Vol. 8}

Answering all Kendra's questions - just a couple days late!

1.  Do you have a smart phone?

Yes.  I recently switched from HTC to an iPhone....mostly because Hubby has one and he was kind of insistent.  I got a smart phone a couple years ago so I could keep track of work emails on the go.  Pretty handy, and bonus, it's a work expense! (I'm a stay-at-home instructional designer.)

2.  Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Breakfast.  Like, REAL breakfast, where you eat eggs, bacon, pancakes, all that deliciousness.

3.  Shower or bath?

Shower.  Really, really peel-your-skin-off-hot. I don't drink coffee, but I feel about showers how most people feel about coffee.

4.  Think of a person you love.  How many days have you been in love with that person?

Hubby and I just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary in April.  We dated two years before that.  According to this site, that's 4367 days!

5.  What's the best church you've ever been inside?

St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.  When I was 19, I went there with a pilgrimage/college group.  One day at dawn, we climbed the crazy sideways stairs to the tippy top of St. Peter's and watched the sun rise over the city of Rome.  One of the most memorable moments of my life.

6.  Happy feast of the Visitation!  Has anyone ever come to help YOU?

When my oldest was very small, I broke my ankle.  My SIL came over and took down my tree, cleaned my house, the whole deal.  At the time, she had 1,2,4 year-olds. 

One of the reasons I love my homeschool group so much is the outreach we give each other when a new baby is welcomed home.  We have a list where moms sign up to bring meals and I have been the recipient of meals when we welcomed home SP and also was the recipient of meals when we SB returned home and we lost Mara.  Love comes in the form of a casserole and a hug, friends.....speaking of which, I really need to start cooking, I'm getting a new niece this week!!! 

Please say a prayer for one of my SILs, she's being induced this week.  Please surround her in prayer as she and my BIL welcome their first little one into the world.

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