Here's the premise: The purpose is to rejoice in the special and wonderful things our husbands do for us, to give them a much needed pat on the back, and to brag about how great our "other half" really is. Save the negative stuff for a priest or trusted friend-not a ladies night out.
So, I'm doing my first goes.

So, let me, with the most humility I can muster on a sleepy Saturday morning tell you that his virtues are not mine to claim and I know how remarkably blessed I am.
To my husband:
I love you because you did the dishes last night while I was away with LB.
I love you because you encourage me to go out with friends.
I love you because you've never once, never, looked at any of the drama or heartache surrounding SB and looked at me with even the slightest shimmer of blame - I told you I felt God calling us and you got up and walked this path with me without blame for the hard times, and sharing in all the joys wholeheartedly. Every time I see you snuggling SB or giving her all the love you give to our bio babies, I fall in love with you all over again.
I love you because you're funny and lighthearted, even when I'm in freak out mode. When I go Worst Case Scenario, you're usually my tether to reality.
I love you because you're a great dad....better than great, amazing, fantastic, irreplaceable, unique, and amazing some more. There's a reason our girls light up when you walk in the door.
I love you because you apologize and thank me for "holding down the fort" when you have to work late. I appreciate it because it does make my day longer, but don't think I don't realize that your day has been long and hard too. I'm working on not complaining and being as supportive as possible through your long hours.
I love you because you are a champion for me working from home and help make it possible with all you do.
I love you because you are not squeamish about all the poopy diapers in our lives right now. I am so appreciative that you take point on changing diapers when you're home because, in your words, I've done enough of it while you're gone.
I love you because you carry the kids into the house for me when you're home, even if my hands are free. After carrying multiple babies, groceries, etc into the house all week, I'm so appreciative of the break and I know that you are purposefully doing it because you know I've been doing it all week and you're showing your appreciation.
I love you because you're the person who loves these short people we live with as much as me. Someday when they're all gone, we'll have fun traveling to the places they live.
I love you because you help me stop and enjoy life now, rather than saving it all for a rainy day. You remind me that sometimes we need to spend a little money and make memories instead of saving every single penny. It's a good balance and you've put up with frugal living for a long time to have those trips and treats occasionally.
I love you because when we went to my friends' wedding with a 7 y/o, 16 m/o and 5 m/o, you took care of them all the bulk of our trip so I could spend time with my friend. That weekend got you a serious reputation as a superhero.
I love you because you embrace my family. You've made the effort and you fit with the other very special people in my life, which makes my life so wonderful.
I love you because you are my champion, my protector, my partner.
I love you because you always read my blog and this probably made you cry :)
For these reasons, a hundred+ more, I love you.
Happy World Marriage Day - February 10, 2013!