For those of you who have been following along - I've been working on a new diet plan. It basically includes eating all whole grains, fruits, veggies, no sugar, refined foods or white flour. You know, just skip all those things that Americans eat :) What I forgot to mention on my list of what not to eat is a doozy: chocolate. That's right, no chocolate according to the new plan.
The plan also says eat 80% of what's healthy and you can splurge the other 20% will largely be composed of chocolate :)
I've been trying out different whole grains and ways to cook them. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot harder than it has been, but I gave up white flour and sugar for Lent, so it hasn't been a very big transition.
What I have noticed is that while my weight hasn't budged, my stomach seems smaller and I feel really good. Apparently eating healthy can do more than help have a side benefit, I get to feel great too!
Yesterday was a feast of refined deliciousness, so today, it's back to the wholesome. This morning's steel cut oats were leaps above the traditional ones last week :)
With my update about food over, let's move on to the pictures of this week:
A new way to take down laundry! |
Whole grain experiment - yum! |
Strange duck |
He has his paws on the doorknob |
Mother-daughter homemade dresses :) |
Silly faces :) |
Too much candy apparently! |